28 June 2010

Brain Drain or Brain Gain for Malaysia

What do YOU think of Prime Minister's Najib current proposal and efforts for a Brain Gain for Malaysia?

Do you think Malaysia will manage to attract back those who migrated or are working overseas, and who have the skills, qualifications or talents that Malaysia desperately needs to become a developed country? Would it succeed where other past efforts fail? I don't think so! Only those who are not doing well overseas would want to return to Malaysia. Those who are successful would not want to return to Malaysia for lower pay, lower position, lower status, and most of all, to be discriminated at if they are non-Malay, non-Bumiputera or non-Muslim.

A few years ago, during Pak Lah's efforts to attract brain gain, the Human Resource Minister was asked how many Malaysians had returned under the then Brain Gain programme and how many had stayed on. The reply was that 300 returned to Malaysia under the programme but 299 subsequently returned overseas! Proves my point.

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